All the objects which are created dynamically (using new in C++ and Java) are allocated memory in the heap. If we go on creating objects we might get Out Of Memory error, since it is not possible to allocate heap memory to objects.
Once we launch the JVM, the operating system allocates memory for the process. Here, the JVM itself is a process, and the memory allocated to that process includes the Heap, Meta Space
We received some questions around the G1 garbage collector and the use of Permanent Generation with it. There seems to be some confusion that the Hotspot JVM does not use permanent
Oracle’s Java Growth Package (JDK) 16 is now out there as a manufacturing launch, as of March 16. The brand new options in JDK 16 vary from a second preview of sealed lessons to data to concurrent thread-stack processing for rubbish assortment.
Now a Java Program running in a container is able to identify the cgroup limit and assign the memory (heap) according to that, (If we do not specify the min and max heap size, which we used to define earlier).
What are Java collections? Java collections refer to a collection of individual objects that are represented as a single unit. You can perform all operations such as searching..
In our last post, we discussed the top five momentum builders for adoption of Java 8 in enterprises. In this post, we will dive deeper into JDK 8’s new strategy for dealing with HashMap collisions. Hash collision degrades the performance...